Minor Astronomical Complex at Yaxhá Historical

Minor Astronomical Complex at Yaxhá Historical (HM1VCR)

Location: , Petén
Country: Guatemala
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N 17° 4.228', W 89° 23.972'

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(Plaza C)

Complejo Astronómico Menor(Plaza C)Los edificios que conforman el complejo fueron construidos entre el 700 y 800 a.C., se considera que debajo se encuentran construcciones aún más antiguas. El conjunto representa una réplica de menor tamaño del Complejo Astrónomico Mayor (Plaza F), lugar donde se conmemoraba el tránsito del sol y su relación con los solsticios y equinoccios. El lado Oeste es ocupado por una gran pirámide de 4 escalinatas.Al pié de la plataforma longitudinal en el lado Este de la plaza fueron exhibidas estelas que representaron a gobernantes importantes de Yaxhá del período Clásico.English translation:The buildings that make up the complex here were built between 700 and 800 B.C. There are possibly even older buildings underneath the complex. The complex is a smaller replica of the Major Astronomical Complex (Plaza F), where the transit of the sun and its relationship with the solstices and equinoxes was commemorated. The west side is occupied by a large pyramid made up of four steps. At the foot of the longitudinal platform on the east side of the square stela were displayed that represented important rulers of the Classic Period of Yaxhá.
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Date Added Wednesday, October 26th, 2016 at 5:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 244619 N 1888920
Decimal Degrees17.07046667, -89.39953333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 17° 4.228', W 89° 23.972'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds17° 4' 13.6800" N, 89° 23' 58.3200" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Petén , GT
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