Temple V at Tikal Historical

Temple V at Tikal Historical (HM1VBJ)

Location: Tikal, Petén
Country: Guatemala
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N 17° 13.191', W 89° 37.408'

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Es uno de los templos más altos de Tikal, alcanzando una altura de 57 metros. Se compone de una base piramdial de siete cuerpos escalonadas, con las esquinas redondeadas. En la fachada tiene una ancha escalinata con alfarda. Durante las exploraciones se ha podido establece que no tiene subestructuras, lo que significa que fue construido desdge el inicio hasta el tope de la crestería en un solo momento cronológico alrededor de 650 d.C. siendo uno de los más tempranos de Tikal.English:Temple VOne of Tikal's highest temples, reaching a height of 57 meters. Dated to the early part of the Late Classic period. The structure consists of a pyramidal base with seven stepped bodies, with rounded corners. On the facade it has a wide staircase with balustrade. During the investigations it was possible to establish that it has no substructure, which means that it was built from the beginning to the top of the crest in a single chronological moment around 650 AD making it one of the earliest in Tikal.
Placed ByParque Nacional Tikal
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, October 24th, 2016 at 9:02pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 220996 N 1905768
Decimal Degrees17.21985000, -89.62346667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 17° 13.191', W 89° 37.408'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds17° 13' 11.46" N, 89° 37' 24.48" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Tikal Petén , GT
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