The Reign of Cuauhtemoctzin

The Reign of Cuauhtemoctzin (HM1QDQ)

Location: Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal 06900
Country: Mexico
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N 19° 27.119', W 99° 8.194'

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El Reino de Cuauhtemoctzin

I Auhnican Motlatocatlali Quauhte moctzin Ilacatauhtli Xocoyotl y pa motlac tu coatly pa acica Castilteca eniyenoch Xituitl tlatocat ynicanZlanlulco y Pan Slocbiah Yayotl Ynican tlatelolcoAnales de TlatelolcoTraduccion del Dr. Angel Ma. GaribaySe instalo a gobernarCuauhtemoctzin el mas joven yultimo de los reyes el X-Caña(1515)Cuando llegaron los de Castillaya tenia cuatro años de reinaraqui en TlatelolcoArq. Mario PaniArq. Ricardo de RobinaDirector General de la obra Plaza de Las Tres CulturasZona Arqueologica Iglesia de SantiagoColegio de La Cruz y Tecpan de TlatelolcoMapa no muy legible del sitio arqueológicoEnglish translation:Nahuat textAnnals of TlatelolcoTranslation by Dr. Angel Maria GaribayCuauhtemoctzin, the youngest and last of the kings of X-Canewas installed as ruler here(1515)When the Spanish arrived, he had ruled here for four years in Tlatelolco.Architect Mario PaniArchitect Ricardo de RobinaDirector General Director of the works of the Plaza de Las Tres CulturasArcheological Area of the Santiago ChurchCollege of La Cruz and Tecpan of TlatelolcoBarely legible map of the archaeological site
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Date Added Tuesday, January 5th, 2016 at 1:03pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14Q E 485665 N 2150845
Decimal Degrees19.45198333, -99.13656667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 19° 27.119', W 99° 8.194'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds19° 27' 7.14" N, 99° 8' 11.64" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 106 Lázaro Cárdenas, Ciudad de México Distrito Federal 06900, MX
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