Thomas Glover Pollard, Sr.

Thomas Glover Pollard, Sr. (HM1PZK)

Location: Tyler, TX 75701 Smith County
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N 32° 18.775', W 95° 17.582'

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Thomas G. Pollard was an attorney and legislator whose work improved the lives of East Texans. While in college, Pollard married Edna Martin, with whom he reared three children, and was elected as a State Representative (1919-21). After being elected as State Senator in 1921, Pollard sponsored legislation that focused on education, small businesses, oil and gas production and consumer protection; he also chaired the Senate's Finance Committee and was elected President Pro-Tem in 1927. After retiring from office in 1935, Pollard reestablished a civil Law practice in Tyler. In 1970, Pollard's family donated property for a park named in his honor.
Marker Number15966
Year Placed2009
Placed ByTexas Historical Commission
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, December 14th, 2015 at 9:02am PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)15S E 284124 N 3577430
Decimal Degrees32.31291667, -95.29303333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 32° 18.775', W 95° 17.582'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds32° 18' 46.5" N, 95° 17' 34.92" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)903
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling West
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 600-798 E Amherst Dr, Tyler TX 75701, US
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