Rorke's Drift Memorial

Rorke's Drift Memorial (HM1PMX)

Location: Rorke's Drift, KwaZulu-Natal (South) Umzinyathi DC
Country: South Africa
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S 28° 21.437', E 30° 32.206'

  • 1 check ins
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22nd Jan 1879

North face:


Pte Horrican W. 1Bn
Jenkins.J. ·
Sgt Maxfield R. 2Bn
Pte Adams. R. ·
Chick.J. ·
Cole.T. ·
Facan.J. ·
Hayden.C. ·
Scanlan.J. ·

Died of Wounds

Beckett.W. 1Bn
Sgt Williams.T 2Bn

South face:


C.Sgt Cuthbert.H. 26
L.Sgt Jones.D.
L.Cgt Frowan.C. ·
Pte Farr.J. ·
Foster.C. ·
James.C. ·
Jones.T. ·

East face:


Pte Sullivan.T.2Bn

Pte Betts.R. R.E.


CPl Anderson.N.N.C
TPr Hunger. N.M.P

Nearby is a grave memorial for another British soldier buried here. It reads:
In memory of Private Thorne, 6th Dracoons, who was drowned in the Buffalo River by the upsetting of the punt. Oct. 25th, 1884
Marker Condition
10 out of 10 (1 reports)
Date Added Sunday, November 29th, 2015 at 1:01pm PST -08:00
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Locationbig map
UTM (WGS84 Datum)25J E 741428 N 6860752
Decimal Degrees-28.35728333, 30.53676667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesS 28° 21.437', E 30° 32.206'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds28° 21' 26.22" S, 30° 32' 12.36" E
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Rorke's Drift KwaZulu-Natal , ZA
Alternative Maps Google Maps, MapQuest, Bing Maps, Yahoo Maps, MSR Maps, OpenCycleMap, MyTopo Maps, OpenStreetMap

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I Saw The Marker

I have a photo of this headstone. Is it of interest to anyone? I am researching Pte Thorne and am keen to get the photo to a living relative.

Nov 6, 2017 at 9:31am PST by pat702

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Maintenance Issues
  1. Is this marker part of a series?
  2. This markers needs some tags to help categorize the marker
  3. What historical period does the marker represent?
  4. What historical place does the marker represent?
  5. What type of marker is it?
  6. What class is the marker?
  7. What style is the marker?
  8. Does the marker have a number?
  9. What year was the marker erected?
  10. Who or what organization placed the marker?
  11. This marker needs at least one picture.
  12. Can this marker be seen from the road?
  13. Is the marker in the median?