Folmar - Siegelman House

Folmar - Siegelman House (HM1CR9)

Location: Montgomery, AL 36106 Montgomery County
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N 32° 21.323', W 86° 17.984'

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Constructed in the early 1900s, the Folmar - Siegelman house stylistically combines elements of both Victorian and early bungalow design. Its high gables, wide eaves, projected bay window and secluded entry reflect the desire of most Americans at that time for a home environment with a "cozy" and "picturesque" feel.

The house has been occupied by several distinguished Montgomery families. Bibb and Mirian Folmar, parents of Montgomery Mayor Emory Folmar, resided here from 1955 until 1979 when the house was sold to then Secretary of State Don Siegelman. Don Siegelman and family continued to live in the house while he served as Attorney General and Lieutenant Governor and when elected Governor, November 3, 1998.
HM NumberHM1CR9
Year Placed1999
Placed ByThe Cahaba Trace Commission
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 at 12:04pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16S E 565888 N 3580043
Decimal Degrees32.35538333, -86.29973333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 32° 21.323', W 86° 17.984'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds32° 21' 19.38" N, 86° 17' 59.04" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)334
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 400 Park Ave, Montgomery AL 36106, US
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