Archaeology at Newgate Tavern

Archaeology at Newgate Tavern (HM1CPH)

Location: Centreville, VA 20120 Fairfax County
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N 38° 50.413', W 77° 25.737'

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Hidden Clues to the Past

Tavern Landscape
Archaeologists explored the tavern lot and discovered the tavern foundation, an outbuilding's stone foundation, a small brick foundation, the privy foundation, and a number of trash pits. The tavern's cellar foundation was constructed of stone on three sides. Two brick fireplaces on the south wall of the tavern cellar were used to heat the building

Before modern trash disposal, people buried their trash in the back yard. In the early days, the Newgate tavern keeper tossed the trash out the back door. Later the trash was discarded in pits in the rear of the lot. Archaeologists learn about the people who visited Newgate Tavern by the trash they left behind.

People often smoked while drinking and socializing. There were many pipe fragments found. This suggests Newgate Tavern was a place for frequent social gathering. The most frequent type of glass found was from wine bottles.

Food and Drink
The tavern's business was serving food and drink to lodgers and local community members. Tavern diners were served mostly meat from cows, pigs, and sheep. The bones that were discovered suggests that the meats were likely roasted or stewed. Guests also ate fish and blackberries or raspberries. The wide variety of ceramics found suggests that the tavern owners made frequent purchases of tableware. The difference in the types of ceramics probably reflects the tavern keeper's desire to appeal to a large number of patrons.
Year Placed2013
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Thursday, September 25th, 2014 at 5:41am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18S E 289187 N 4301848
Decimal Degrees38.84021667, -77.42895000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 50.413', W 77° 25.737'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 50' 24.78" N, 77° 25' 44.22" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)703, 571, 202
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 13923 Braddock Rd, Centreville VA 20120, US
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