E Clampus Vitus 1855 & 1962

E Clampus Vitus 1855 & 1962 (HM1BZQ)

Location: Weaverville, CA 96093 Trinity County
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N 40° 43.956', W 122° 56.419'

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The first chapter of ECV in Weaverville began in 1855. After a rocky start in the Sierra Nevada Gold County, the organization got a foothold in Mokelumne Hill, in 1851. The first Noble Grand Humbug for the Weaverville Chapter was John C. Burch, a local attorney who later became a state congressman. The chapter flourished for several years but as miners moved along to other diggin's, so did the interest in ECV. It was never determined when the chapter disbanded. Other chapters in the area included Shasta and Yreka during the same period. In 1931, Yerba Buena Chapter #1 of San Francisco, was begun as the first chapter in the revival of the organization. On July 7, 1962, the Trinitarianus Chapter #62 was born again. The chapter celebrated its 50th anniversary in the year 2012. Chapter #62's first Grand Noble Humbug was the late E. Rex Riley. He served for two years through the chartering ceremonies, in 1963. It is estimated now that more an 120,000 members exist across the eight western states. Chapter #62 has sponsored the Humbug Chapter #73, Eureka Chapter #101, and Lassen-Loomis Chapter #1914, from its original 6 counties.
Series This marker is part of the E Clampus Vitus series
Year Placed2012
Placed ByE Clampus Vitus, Trinitarianus Chapter 62
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, September 8th, 2014 at 1:02am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)10T E 505039 N 4509075
Decimal Degrees40.73260000, -122.94031667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 40° 43.956', W 122° 56.419'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds40° 43' 57.36" N, 122° 56' 25.14" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)530
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 601 Main St, Weaverville CA 96093, US
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